Solo/Major Exhibitions
2009 Nikki Parmenter, Lancaster Museum and Art Gallery
2008 The Same Sky, Salford Museum and Art Gallery
2007 The Same Sky, Touring around North Wales
2005 Creation Myths and Mandalas, 20 21 Gallery, Scunthorpe
2004 Mandala Raga, Drumcroon Art Gallery, Wigan
2003 Creation Myths and Mandalas, Stockport Art Gallery
2002 Recent Work, Ashton Art Gallery
2002 Secret Garden, Octogon Theatre, Bolton
2001 Secret Garden, Stairs Turnpike Gallery
2001 Secret Garden, Buxton Art Gallery
2001 Secret Garden, Rotheram Art Gallery
2001 Secret Garden, Wyvern Theatre, Swindon
2001 Secret Garden, Crucible Theatre, Sheffield
2000 Secret Garden, Newcastle Art Gallery
1999 Secret Garden, Bury Art Gallery
1999 Secret Garden, Huddersfield Art Gallery
1998 Tree of Life, Warrington Art Gallery
1998 Tree of Life, Astley Cheetham Art Gallery
1997 Recent Paintings, Stockport Art Gallery
Group Exhibitions
Stockport Art Gallery
Salford Art Gallery
Shrewsbury Art Gallery
Grosvenor Museum
Potteries Museum and Art Gallery
Haworth Art Gallery
Bagshaw Museum
Drumcroon Art Gallery
Platform Gallery
St Helens
Ferens Art Gallery
People's Choice Award at The Potteries
Musuem and Grosvenor Museum
Prize winner in The Kodak Competition
Ferens Open Exhibition Hull
My work has also been displayed in Hungary, Germany and France.
I have had articles published in books, magazines and on the internet